New Year’s Eve Sunday

New Year’s Eve Sunday

Join us Sunday, December 31 @ 10AM for our Sunday Morning Worship Service. Pastor Don will be preaching a sermon entitled, 2024: A Year to Grow based on Luke 2:52. There will not be an evening service. Happy New Year!
Westney Christmas Festival

Westney Christmas Festival

December is here and the Westney Christmas Festival is just around the corner! Join us on Friday, December 15 between 6PM – 9PM for an evening of fun! There is something for everyone! Festivities will include:  Music & Talent Showcase, Photo Booth,...
Christmas Eve ’23

Christmas Eve ’23

Come and join us on Christmas Eve! Sunday, December 24, 2023. 6:30 – 7:30 pm We’ll enjoy a special hour together of music and Scripture as we celebrate the coming of Emmanuel, God with us! Please note: As always, children are welcome! However, childcare...
CHRISTMAS Concert of Worship

CHRISTMAS Concert of Worship

This December, join us for a Christmas Concert of Worship featuring the Westney Choir. We will sing a blend of Christmas carols and contemporary praise and worship! The Christmas season is just around the corner and we know that calendars fill up quickly. You...


Are you a Young Adult @ Westney? You won’t want to miss CROSS CON ’24 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW… January 3 -5, 2024 Register by November 15 to take advantage of the Early Bird Rate of $215. After November 15, the regular price is $260. Payment may be...