Study Ephesians with Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes & Melissa Kruger Starts Tuesday, January 14 Morning in-person at 9:30 am (child care available)Evening in-person at 7:30 pmEvening on zoom at 7:30 pm In this 7-session study we will walk through the book of...
Westney Women’s Programs!
Prepare Him Room
Ladies, please join us for "Prepare Him Room" with Jennifer Rothschild on Sunday, December 1, 2024! Prepare Him Room is an evening of worship and Bible teaching as we celebrate the true meaning of the season and discover that the Christmas story is better than we ever...
From Eden to Eternity
Join us for a women's inductive Bible study where we'll explore key biblical themes, such as the Sabbath, wilderness, or dwelling place. These ideas—and many others—are woven through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Each topic is studied over two weeks: the...
Luke in the Land
Follow Kristi through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. Over 8 weeks, challenge the way you read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem,...
Book of Acts
Join us for this Westney Women study. We will continue through the book of Acts verse-by-verse, focusing on Paul’s missionary journeys (Chapters 11-15). The study will be offered in a hybrid (in-person/virtual) format. Register through your Church Center app or...
The Gospel of Matthew
Join Bonnie and other ladies on Monday mornings for an in-depth, verse by verse study of the book of Matthew. 10AM - 12PM, every Monday morning. Please see our Church Calendar for a complete schedule. This is an on-going study from Fall t0 Spring and continuing from...
Teen Challenge Sunday
Join us Sunday, August 18th for a special presentation by TEEN CHALLENGE during our Sunday morning service starting at 10AM.
Summer Bible Studies
Join us this Summer for Bible Study! Women's Bible Study will continue throughout the summer on Tuesday evenings and our young ladies will meet on Wednesday evenings to study together! Women's Tuesday Evening Study, 7:30-9PM There are online and in person options...
Westney Women: Care & Connect
Enjoy fellowship and getting to know other Westney Women, while also serving the women of the Christian Faith Outreach Centre in Ajax. We will be making gift bags for them, and you will be able to help make one of the items for the bags. The suggested donation...