All youth are invited to our end of year Graduation Banquet celebration!
We will honour our Grade 12 and Grade 8 students!
We will have a fun banquet and a party to celebrate our grads!
Parents: If you have a student in Grade 8 or 12, we invite you & your family to attend our Grad Banquet for FREE! Please register online. You’ll be able to select ‘Grad’ or ‘Family of Grads’ for each attendee.
PARENTS OF OUR GRADS, please email me 5 pictures of your graduate when they were a baby or small child. We will have our annual ‘Baby Slide Show’ with all our grads. Email the pics to bob@westney.ca.
For all other youth: the cost of the banquet is $15. Sign up via your Church Center app or online. Be sure to login first if you have already created a profile in Church Center. You can also find the registration link here.