Join us for a women's inductive Bible study where we'll explore key biblical themes, such as the Sabbath, wilderness, or dwelling place. These ideas—and many others—are woven through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Each topic is studied over two weeks: the...
Westney News Category!
What is Alpha?! Find out here. Still curious? You can learn more by checking out the two videos below: Alpha Trailer Ever Wonder Invite someone to join you! Alpha meets weekly at the church. Tuesday, October 8 – December 17, 2024 6:30– 8:15 p.m. Alpha is for...
WHYouth Friday Nights
WHYouth regular meetings are held on Friday nights. We meet together for small group studies, big group worship, teaching times and big games with free time. Tuck Shop happens from 9-10pm. All students in grades 7 - 12 are welcome Come and bring a friend!...
Join us for a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus and grow in a relationship with Him. Wednesday Evenings6:30-7:45pmSeptember 25 - November 27$20 per child Registration is Required. If your child has registered for an event at Westney before,...
Book of Acts
Join us for this Westney Women study. We will continue through the book of Acts verse-by-verse, focusing on Paul’s missionary journeys (Chapters 11-15). The study will be offered in a hybrid (in-person/virtual) format. Register through your Church Center app or...
The Gospel of Matthew
Join Bonnie and other ladies on Monday mornings for an in-depth, verse by verse study of the book of Matthew. 10AM - 12PM, every Monday morning. Please see our Church Calendar for a complete schedule. This is an on-going study from Fall t0 Spring and continuing from...
Anti-Bullying Seminar
Join us on Saturday, September 21 10AM - 12PM Please register using REGISTRATION button above.
Mrs. Anna Rendle
Please continue to be in prayer for the Rendle family as they grieve the passing of Mrs. Anna Rendle. Visitation will be held Friday, August 23 from 5-8 pm and Saturday, August 24 from 10-11 am at Westney Heights Baptist Church, Ajax. ...
A Study in the Book of Exodus
A weekly Bible study in the Book of Exodus led by Pastor Jim Rendle. Join us as we sing a hymn, share in prayer time and have a discussion in the selected passage for that week. A study booklet will be available for the class in September. The first session begins on...