Join us for a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus and grow in a relationship with Him.

Wednesday Evenings
September 25 – November 27
$20 per child

Registration is Required. If your child has registered for an event at Westney before, please login using the same email. Thank you!

Questions? Email

Spring Women’s Bible Study

Spring Women’s Bible Study

From songs of praise to cries of lament and everything in-between, the book of Psalms captures the wide range of emotions in life. The psalmists paint a picture of a relationship with God that is filled with delays, disappointments, surprises, and triumphs. Through it...

High Tea

High Tea

WHYouth is doing a fundraiser for a ministry run by Youth Unlimited called 'Young Parents - Durham' under the direction of Lee Sommerfeldt, one of our youth leaders. We are putting on a 'High Tea' for all girls & ladies on Saturday March 29. There will be...

Car Ownership, Now What?

Car Ownership, Now What?

Presented by Westney Heights Baptist ChurchJoin us for a FREE community seminar on how to get the most out of your car ownership March 22, 202510AM – 12PM Westney Heights Baptist Church, 1201 Ravenscroft Road, Ajax (Rooms 6-8 in the Lower Level) Covering topics such...