Mission Statement

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Vision Statement

Encouraging all people to pursue a lifelong, joyous relationship with Jesus Christ.

Mission Statement

Leading others to Jesus as we become more like Him.

Pillars of Westney Heights Baptist Church

At Westney, we understand and treasure the regular assembling of our church community for the purpose of worshipping our God together. We value in-person, corporate worship, understanding that the church is the very body of Christ; to be included as members of that body is a cherished gift from God, and that the gathering of believers in worship is a unique means of grace where we encounter the glory of God. Hebrews 10:25, Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:16

Authentic Worship – “Encountering the glory of God together”

Authentic Worship is our Christ-centred response to all of who God is. It draws us into his presence. We worship authentically when we know God and communicate our adoration of Him through our words, song, music, and prayer. We worship authentically when we demonstrate acts of love, kindness and generosity. Hebrews 13:15-16, John 4:23-24, Matthew 15:8-9, Romans 12:1

Biblical Teaching – Learning, Teaching and Sharing the Word of God

At Westney, we acknowledge the inspiration, truthfulness, authority and inerrancy of the Bible. Central to Westney is the preaching and teaching of the Bible so that we can learn the truth about God. By the Holy Spirit, the Bible has the power to change lives making us humble and obedient to His will and his Word. Through biblical teaching, we can be equipped to interact with those who are skeptical of Christianity by thoughtfully and graciously defending the truth of Jesus Christ and the Bible. Acts 2: 42-46, Romans 1:16, I Peter 3:15, II Timothy 2:24-25, II Timothy 4:1-22

A Loving Community – “Demonstrating love and unity”

All people bear the image of God. They have value, not because they are redeemed, but because they are God’s creation in God’s image. God builds communities of faith by uniting all people he saves and motivates them to love each other as neighbours and share the good news of the gospel. In a world that can be isolating and fragmented, this makes our church a breath of fresh air – there’s a place for you at Westney . John 13:33-35

At Westney, we nurture and strengthen the family of God. We disciple, mentor and prayerfully support each other while demonstrating grace and the unifying power of Christ’s love that those beyond Westney would see the love of Christ in action. John 17:21, Galatians 6:9-10, Acts 2:42-47

Compassionate Service – “Showing the love of Christ to a hurting world”

At Westney, we are a church that seeks to understand the needs of others and to reach out with generosity demonstrated by kindness, humility, sensitivity and a total regard for the other person. Our compassion is an expression of our worship as we become the hands and feet of Christ that we may draw others to him. Matthew 25: 34-40, Hebrews 13: 1-3, Luke 10:25-37

Effective Evangelism – “Sharing our faith”

The gospel offers hope and meaning to our lives. It has the power to transform lives and culture. At Westney, we interact with those around us by living humble and obedient lives and clearly explaining the Gospel of Christ and thoughtfully and graciously defending the truths of the Bible. Matthew 28:16–20, Acts 1:8, Romans 10:14–15

Our Daily Lives

Praise Christ, Learn about Christ, Love others Like Christ, Serve others through Christ, Lead others to Christ

We do all these things because Jesus directed us to: Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

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