Prepare Him Room

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News | Women

Prepare Him Room

Join us for “Prepare Him Room” virtual event with Kristi McClelland on Sunday, December 3, 2023!

An evening of worship and Bible teaching as we celebrate the true meaning of the season and discover that the Christmas story is better than we ever knew.

Kristi is a passionate and knowledgeable Biblical culturalist who looks at the Bible from a historical and middle Eastern perspective. A great way to spend the first Sunday of Advent!

Event:  5:30 – 7:30 pm

Doors open:  4:30 pm

Light finger food supper and Christmas treats included. 

An on-site bookstore provided by Cornerstone Bookshop will be open before and after the event.


Earlybird: $20 (until November 3)

Regular: $25 (after November 3)

Students & Seniors: $15

Limit of 350 spaces

There is no child care available for this event


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