We are excited to dig into God’s word with you! We hope you’ll join us!
Please take a look at the options below and contact the leader with any questions.
Come and bring a friend! See you there!

Register for any of the studies listed below HERE (or click on any of the images below). OR visit the Westney.ca homepage and click on the REGISTRATION button on the top main menu bar.
The Gospel of Matthew: Starts Monday, September 25 @ 10 am
Leader: Bonnie Carter (Bonnie@westney.ca)
No workbook, optional homework
Ongoing/all year study

The Book of Acts: Starts Tuesday, October 3 @ 9:30 am
Leader: Nicole Querido (Nicole@westney.ca)
Hybrid group of in person or zoom
Handouts provided
Ongoing/all year study

From Beginning to Forever: Starts Tuesday, October 3 @ 9:30 am or 7:30 pm
Author: Elizabeth Woodson
Contact: Wendy@westney.ca or Meredith@westney.ca
Understand the grand narrative of Scripture, see details here: From Beginning to Forever Bible Study by Elizabeth Woodson | Lifeway
8 week study
Workbook available for purchase ($26)
Morning in person, evening zoom or in person

How to Study the Bible for Yourself: Starts Tuesday, September 19 @ 7pm
Leader: Bonnie Carter (Bonnie@westney.ca)
In person group
Ongoing/all year study
No workbook other than the ESV study Bible but there will be handouts and weekly homework
* Anyone interested in this group will need to contact Bonnie ahead of time and must attend the first session
Important Information:
**Childcare is available for the two Tuesday morning groups only, ages 0-5. Please be sure to indicate that you need child care on your registration form. Children MUST be registered by September 29 to be part of our program, which begins on October 3.
*All registration is taking place through our new Church Center system. If you have not yet joined Church Center, this is a great opportunity, you can do so here: https://westney.churchcenter.com/. If you do not attend Westney, joining Church Center is not required, you will be asked some basic information (such as an email address) when you click on the registration link. If you have any questions about Church Center, or registering for this or other events, please contact info@westney.ca.
Looking forward to learning and growing together!