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Westney News Category!

Mrs. Anna Rendle

Mrs. Anna Rendle

Please continue to be in prayer for the Rendle family as they grieve the passing of Mrs. Anna Rendle. Visitation will be held Friday, August 23 from 5-8 pm and Saturday, August 24 from 10-11 am at Westney Heights Baptist Church, Ajax. ...

A Study in the Book of Exodus

A Study in the Book of Exodus

A weekly Bible study in the Book of Exodus led by Pastor Jim Rendle. Join us as we sing a hymn, share in prayer time and have a discussion in the selected passage for that week. A study booklet will be available for the class in September. The first session begins on...

History of Biblical Israel

History of Biblical Israel

The books of the Bible are not arranged in chronological order.  Would you like to get the history straight in your mind so you can put each book and each passage in context?  Join Dr. Carter on Thursday nights for 9 consecutive weeks to study the History of...

Christian England Tour

Christian England Tour

Join the Carters for a Study Tour of Christian England. Tour Dates: May 9-19, 2025.  Visit John Newton’s church and experience the Bible in the British Museum. Learn about how 19th century British Evangelicals abolished slavery and sparked the world missionary...

Book Club with Dr. Carter

Book Club with Dr. Carter

Join Dr. Carter for a continuing discussion of The Benedict Option by Rod Dreher. The discussion on September 8th will focus on chapters 4 - 10. Sunday, September 8th from 7-9PM in the Overflow. If you were not able to attend our first meeting on June 27th,...

Christ in the Psalms

Christ in the Psalms

Sunday School begins September 15th! Join Dr. Carter each Sunday at 11:30 am for Adult Sunday School in the Auditorium. Dr. Carter will start with Psalm 61 on September 15th. Special Bonus This Fall: Learn how to sing the psalms as well as study...

Teen Challenge Sunday

Teen Challenge Sunday

Join us Sunday, August 18th for a special presentation by TEEN CHALLENGE during our Sunday morning service starting at 10AM.

Church Picnic

Church Picnic

Join us for our Annual Church Picnic after the morning service on Sunday, June 23 from 11:30 - 2pm. Food, drinks and fun will be provided. Don't forget your lawn chair!

Summer Bible Studies

Summer Bible Studies

Join us this Summer for Bible Study! Women's Bible Study will continue throughout the summer on Tuesday evenings and our young ladies will meet on Wednesday evenings to study together! Women's Tuesday Evening Study, 7:30-9PM There are online and in person options...